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FTP For Beginners

What is FTP? FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, which is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network.

FTP is the simplest and secure way to transfer files. The most common use for FTP is to download files from the Internet to a local computer, or upload files from a local compter to a remote server.

One may ask a question: we already have email for sending and receiving information, attaching files, why we need FTP?

Well, if you just have a few files with small size (less than 1MB), using email is a convenient way to exchange files. But if you have dozens or even hundreds of files, in hundreds of MBs, you will need FTP to transfer the files through the Internet.

FTP Introduction
FTP Commands Viewing Files and Directories
FTP Commands Transfer and Rename files
FTP with WS FTP Windows
FTP with Fetch Macintosh
Using Web Browser for FTP

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