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FTP with WS_FTP (Windows)

Setting up

1. When you start up for the first time, you will see the below screen. Click on the "new" button in the upper right to set up your profile for WebJump.

2. Set your screen up JUST LIKE THE ONE BELOW. Replace our User ID with your username and our password with your password. You will want to CUT AND PASTE your username and password from your confirmation email to make certain that you are using the correct spelling and naming convention. Check "Save Pwd" only if you would like your password saved in the application for future sessions.

3. When you are ready to connect, click "OK". (make sure you are connected to the internet).

4. The software will now connect to our server. If you didn't enter your password in the session properties and check "save password", you will be prompted for your password now. If you watch the log panel at the bottom, it will show you connecting and then display your site in the right pane.

The left pane of this interface contains the documents you would like to upload to our servers. The right side of the interface displays the remote host where you will be uploading your files. When you give your username and password, the server automatically takes you to the correct directory to begin uploading your files.

If you look at the above sample, you can see that we have set our default directory for uploads to be C:\my_www. You can change this by clicking on the "ChgDir" button in the left pane and typing in the path to the directory you would like to use.

Our sample site has a cgi-bin and a default.htm file listed in the default (root) directory. Those are put there automatically by the server when you sign up. You will want to delete the default.htm page and replace it with your home page and name that default.htm.


A This is the path to your directory of files to upload.
B Directory listing of the files in your upload directory.
C The path to your directory on the remote host. (WebJump servers won't show your full path)
D The contents of your web directory on WebJump servers.
E Transmission log.
F Download button.
G Upload button.
H Make a new directory on remote host.
I Rename a file on remote host.
J Delete a file on remote host.
K ChgDir buttons. Type in the path to the desired directory
L Click here to go up one level (parent directory).

Before you begin transferring files, make sure that the files you want to transfer are showing up in the left pane (A&B) and the destination directory is shown in the right pane (C&D). Switch directories by using the ChgDir buttons (K), the pulldown menus (A&C), and the green arrows (L).

Upload files

  1. Select the files you would like to upload in the left pane (B). Use the shift or control keys to select multiple files.
  2. Click on the upload button (G).

Download files

Downloading is not supported on WebJump servers. You have permissions to upload, rename and delete only.

Create subdirectories

  1. Click on the MkDir button (H) in the upper right.
  2. Enter the name of the new directory.

Delete files

  1. Select the files you would like to upload in the right pane (D). Use the shift or control keys to select multiple files.
  2. Click on the Delete button (J).

Rename files

  1. Select the file you would like to rename.
  2. Click the Rename button (I).
  3. Enter the new name for the file.

That's all there is to it! If you have any errors, they will be displayed in the pane at the bottom.

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FTP Introduction
FTP Commands Viewing Files and Directories
FTP Commands Transfer and Rename files
FTP with WS FTP Windows
FTP with Fetch Macintosh
Using Web Browser for FTP

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