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Insert Data

insert statement is used to insert data into the table.

  insert into members (user, pass, page)
    values ('Wang', 'Wang123', 'wang.asp');

insert into are key words which followed by the table name. Then followed by a list of column names separated by commas and enclosed in parenthesis. Then followed by the keyword values, followed by the list of values enclosed in parenthesis.

In the example above, the column name user will match up with the value 'Wang', and the column name pass will match up with the value 'Wang123'.

Update Data

update statement is used to change data in your database. The syntax is:

  Update tablename set columnname = value
    where columnname = value;

For example:

  update members Set pass = 'John333'
    where user = 'John';

When you update the data -- you should perform it very cautiously. If you do not use key word where and specify a row, then all rows will be updated.

Delete Data

delete statement is used to delete rows of data. The syntax is:
  Delete from tablename 
    where columnname = value

For example:

  delete from members
    where user = 'John';

Be careful! If you do not include a where clause, all of the rows in the table will be deleted!

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