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iTech College is an online education institute. Our program provides you with foundational knowledge of key information technology areas, including web technologies, the Internet, databases, computer programming, and networking. If you seek entry-level employment in IT or want to advance your career within the field, you should consider our courses.

Free Online Courses

HTML - Create HTML tags and attributes. Add colors and backgrounds. Choose font sizes, faces, styles and colors. Set up links to other web pages or other web...

JavaScript - Create JavaScript tags and attributes. Embed and include an external js file. Output text with "write" and "writeln" methods. Use other docume...

CSS - Create an external CSS file and link it to multiple HTML files. Embed and import a style sheet. Create inline style sheets. Use tap select...

Easy Courses. Absolutely Free!

Anything is possible. Everything is improvable. Learning technologies is not as difficult as people imagine.

Why spend years and thousands of dollars to learn something that essentially just needs weeks and at absolutely no cost from Read more...

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